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I mentioned in my last post on Julia that dictionaries are incredibly useful data structures for data science. I thought that warranted a little more discussion. And it leads to another data structure that we use a lot: Data Frames. They’re the topic for today.


A dictionary (in computer programming) is much like an English dictionary. It takes a set of objects (the keys) and maps them to something else (the values). In an English dictionary the object/keys are words and they are mapped to values called definitions, but in programming the objects could be any type of data.

Dictionaries are also called associative arrays because we can conceptualise them as a generalisation of a standard array. In a standard array the indexes are contiguous integers usually starting at either 0 or 1. In a dictionary, the indexes can be almost anything we like. The dictionary associates the key/index with the value.

In Perl, dictionaries are called hashes because a common underlying data structure used to implement many dictionaries is a hash table but this terminology is confusing. The term hash get’s used for way too many thing already. And this isn’t the only way to implement a dictionary.

In Julia a dictionary is called a Dict. They’re a core part of the language, so you don’t need to include any special packages to use them. Critical things to know include:

  • The keys and values of a Dict can be almost anything but keys have to have an associated hash function so if you create a new data type, you may need to define this. My strategy has been to define hash functions recursively in terms of hashes that already exist. Hash functions are useful enough that I will do a post on these at some point.

  • If we restrict the types of the entries we can make the dictionary much more efficient, so it usually better to have some control, not just blurt stuff into it.

  • Dictionary elements are not sorted (there is a sorted version of the dictionary, but that has an associated computational cost to keeping things in order).

Operations and functions 

The operations we need to learn for a dictionary are given below.

  • Creation of a new dictionary. Julia’s uses constructor functions to create new variables, the standard syntax being the name of the datatype Dict following by the input arguments in round braces. Types specified in curly braces before the input arguments provide extra information so that a more specific constructor can be used to construct a more efficient variable.
julia> D = Dict{String, Int}()                # create an empty dictionary
julia> D = Dict("a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3) # start the dictionary with some pairs
julia> dict = Dict(string(i) => sind(i) for i = 0:5:360) # comprehension-like syntax
  • Addition of a (key,value) pair. Julia uses square braces for indexing into arrays (associative or otherwise) so this notation is pretty consistent. Unlike Matlab you can’t just add a new element to a standard array, but you can to an associative array (a Dict). This is deliberate – to understand why, you should learn about the underlying implementations.
julia> D["d"] = 59     # assign the value 59 to the key "d"
  • Removal of a (key,value) pair uses the delete! function. The exclamation mark in the name is a Julia idiom to indicate that the function operates on the input variable in place.
julia> delete!(D, "d") # remove the key "d" from Dict D
  • Lookup the value associated with a key. There are a few approaches to find the value or test if it exists. I doubt I am listing them all below, but it’s enough to get going.
julia> D["a"]         # get the value associated with key "a"
julia> haskey(D, "a") # check if the key "a" is in the dictionary
julia> get(D, "a", 0) # look up key "a", with fallback value of 0 it if is absent
  • Update of the value associated with a key. Often programming languages combine the update and insertion operations, as does Julia, for instance, we can update the value corresponding to key “d” using D["d"] = 60.

Other useful functions are

  • keys and values which return iterators over the keys and values respectively. Use collect to get an array from the iterator, or iterate over it using a for loop.

  • Set operations such as union, setdiff and intersection should also work, but return an array of Pairs, not a dictionary. They have to because the keys in the two dictionaries might not be unique, and the non-unique keys might be associated to different values.

  • map and filter can also be used, though I think that is a whole other post because these functions are not just about dictionaries.


Dictionaries are not sorted, so one snippet of code I find often useful is to obtain dictionary elements in some order, in this case in the reverse order of the values of D.

julia> sort(collect(D), by = tuple -> last(tuple), rev=true)

The last argument says to sort in reverse order, and isn’t needed. The by argument is specifying a function that is being used to output a sortable index (presuming that the values are such). The collect function converts the dictionary into an array of pairs/tuples1, which is then sorted based on the last elements of those tuples. The output is also as an array of Pairs.

An Example 

Before we move on, I wanted to give a real example of how I use dictionaries here. I mentioned earlier that I constructed an aliases file. It is a CSV file with two columns, one of canonical character names, and the other a list of aliases. Here’s the first few entries, and you can click on the table to get the whole file.

Character Aliases
Aaron Davis Aaron Davis,Prowler
Abomination Abomination, The Abomination, Emil Blonsky, Blonsky
Abu Bakaar Abu Bakaar
Agent 13 Agent 13, Kate / Agent 13, Sharon Carter
Agent Garrett Agent Garrett, Jonathan 'John' Garrett
Agent Scott Kelly Agent Scott Kelly
Agent Stoltz Agent Stoltz,Stoltz

Converting the cast lists from IMDb requires us to read the aliases and generate a dictionary containing a mapping from each alias to the unique name we are going to use for each character. That is we create a dictionary called Aliases that has character aliases as keys, and the canonical character name as the value.

using DataFrames
using CSV
function read_aliases( file::String = "../Data/alias_list.csv")
    aliases = CSV.read( file; comment="#" )
    Aliases = Dict{String, String}()
    for r in eachrow(aliases)
        c = strip( r[:Character] )
        for a in split( r[:Aliases], "," )
            Aliases[ lowercase(strip(a)) ] = c
    return Aliases

The dictionary I want is returned as Aliases but there are other useful pieces in this function:

  • The CSV file is read into aliases, which is a DataFrame with two columns: the first is a list of character names, and the second contains a list of comma-separated lists of aliases. We’ll talk more about Data Frames in just a second.

  • The strip function removes leading and trailing spaces from a string – usually a good idea for this type of thing. I use this function a lot in text processing, and there are lstrip and rstrip variants that act on only one end of the string.

  • I convert all the aliases to lowercase, so I don’t need equivalent lower case versions.

  • The split function splits a string according to some delimiter, in this case a comma, and returns a vector. This is another function I use again and again.

Julia now has great on-line help for common functions. You can access it by typing a ? and then the name of the function.

Data Frames 

I just mentioned Data Frames, so I had better explain myself.

Dictionaries are a built-in data type in Julia. They map a key to a value. In some sense they are one-dimensional.

Many sets of data are a 2D table. They have a set of columns each corresponding to a variable and each row is a set of observations of those variables. So we might, by default store these in a 2D array of numbers. But wouldn’t it be great if the columns were named after the variable they represent.

Data Frames are exactly that, and they use dictionaries to do it. A Data Frame is (simplistically) just a dictionary whose keys are the variables, and whose columns are the values associated with each. But Data Frames are a little bit more than this: the columns are all the same length, so they need to incorporate the idea of missing data, and there are many operators defined on top of the standard dictionary operators.

The upshot is that in one sense Data Frames are really just advanced tables, but Data Frames are a little cleverer than a simple 2D array of data.

  • They can contain different types of data in different columns.

  • Unlike a simple 2D array, they have column headings (the keys), and data can be indexed by these, which means adding a column to a dataset is easy, and often doesn’t require changes to code.

  • They naturally map to the way we often store data (e.g., in CSV or spreadsheet files), so input and output are easy.

  • They allow for missing data, which is endemic in real datasets, in a natural and (hopefully) efficient manner.

  • We can perform joins across them.

  • Data Frames match naturally to the philosophy of Tidy Data

Julia has a package called, naturally enough DataFrames, and in conjunction with a few other bits and pieces (in particular the CSV package) it’s very powerful. So here’s a few steps to using it. BTW, I assume you lot can read the docs and install a package. Sound fair?

Included below is a simple set of code I’ve been using to learn how to use Data Frames in Julia. Data Frames are an idea that comes from the programming language R.

With the CSV package it is very easy to read in a CSV file into a Data Frame. For instance, download the file movie_sequence.csv, and try this

julia> using DataFrames
julia> using CSV
julia> file = "movie_sequence.csv"
julia> movies = CSV.read(file)

It should display a table of showing the contents of the CSV file. Now we can play with this data in many ways. For instance, we can extract a set of columns using

julia> movies[ [:Title, :Phase] ]

will output just the two selected columns (also in a Data Frame).

And we can do all the standard things you would like to do. Have a look at the DataFrames documentation for many more examples and here is a handy cheat sheet.

The most important thing to grasp is that the data types of the columns are unions of a standard type, and Missing. And each column is (in some sense) a separate array (each of the same length). So, we a column of integers might be of type

	Array{Union{Missing, Int64},1}

That is, and 1-D array of elements of type Union{Missing, Int64}. This is important, as it sometimes means we are a bit clumsy working on these. Julia has many functions defined, for instance, for integers, but they won’t work out of the box on a Union because Julia uses multiple dispatch to select which function is called. It matches up the types of the arguments to the input parameters, and if it can’t find a matching function there will be an error. I wrote a few (slightly painful looking) pieces of code to cope with this. For instance, the following lines strip leading and trailing spaces from String elements, and replace Missing elements with an empty string.

function replace_missing!( DF::DataFrame)
    # replace all of the missing strings with blanks, and get rid of leading or trailing spaces
    for (k,s) in eachcol(DF, true)
        if eltype(DF[k]) == Union{Missing, String}
            DF[k] = Array{Union{Missing, String},1}(String.(strip.(coalesce.(s, ""))))

I’m guessing the Julia aficionados have a better way of doing the same, but this is illustrative. breaking it down:

  • eachcol iterates through each column of DF returning the key k and s data of the column.
  • eltype returns the type and we only both with Strings, though note we match against Union{Missing, String}.
  • coalesce(value, "") replaces Missing values with the empty string. But note we use a standard Julia trick here. If you have a function coalesce function defined for a type X, then coalesce. will iterate it over the whole array.
  • strip. removes leading and trailing spaces, and we use the “.” trick again to apply it to the whole array.
  • String converts the output from a SubString back to String. Substrings contain a reference to the original, and I don’t want to hang onto that.
  • Array{Union{Missing, String},1} then maps this back into an array of unions (not just an array of strings).

I’m sure the whole thing could be done more easily, probably with a loop or two, but this seems to illustrate what we are working with here.

The real value of Data Frames comes when we want to manipulate and play with the data.

I want to use this information to construct the paths for each character, but first I need to get information about who is who. To do so, I start with the OMDb data I explained in the last Julia post, but this data doesn’t include the cast list. It does, however, include the IMDb ID of the movie. Now IMDb doesn’t seem to have a nice API for downloading data, but there is a nice Python package IMDbPY that will do the job I need. I have a tiny little Python script that uses this package to download the cast information for each movie. The data needs a good deal of cleaning: the most obvious problems are that superheroes come with aliases. And they are used inconsistently between movies. So I have a little full of aliases, and in the text above I described how to read it into first into a Data Frame, and thence to a dictionary that maps aliases to their canonical name.

Given that dictionary, I next read in the cast files (once again as Data Frames), convert the aliases to the canonical character names, and create a new dictionary mapping each character name to a list (I don’t care how you store the list) containing the titles of the movies. Then I go through this dictionary and output each character name, and a sorted version of the list of movies that character is in. I’d go into more detail, but this is already getting a little longer than I intended.

There is one problem with this. You always need to spend time cleaning your data. I mentioned these issues in some detail in my earlier post so I won’t again here.

The final step is to write this out to a new file. I expect there is a clever way to do that using CSV.write but I just iterated over a cast list, and printed it out line by line. Nothing very clever or instructive there I’m afraid. The first few are listed below, and the file is here.

Character Titles Codes
Abomination The Incredible Hulk c
Agent 13 Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War in
Aldrich Killian Iron Man 3 g
Alexander Pierce Captain America: The Winter Soldier i
Ant-Man Ant-Man, Captain America: Civil War, Ant-Man and the Wasp, Avengers: Endgame mntv
Betty Ross The Incredible Hulk c
Black Panther Captain America: Civil War, Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame nosv

The “codes” column is a mapping of the movies to the codes I gave in the sequence listing of the movies. It’s a key to allow sorting of the movies in sequential order, but the strings formed by listing the codes of the movies in the path will be useful to us when we start to learn more about these paths, the next time we come back to them.


  1. Tuples and pairs are not the same thing in Julia. A Pair is not even a subtype of Tuple. See `Pair{A,B}` vs. `Tuple{A,B}` for more discussion. However, in this example we can act on them in the same way.